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1. Mineral Resources Lab.
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
Tel: (855) 23 880 370 |

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Cambodia Session 28 May 2019
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Cambodia Session 28 May 2019 at General Department of Petroleum, Ministry of Mine and Energy, Cambodia.
Thanks SPE Cambodia for inviting lecturers and student of GGE to the technical presentation by:
Mr. Lang Kimly (Ex-Field Engineer at Schlumberger)
Title: Introduction to Directional Drilling
Mr. Khoun Sokunthea (Deputy Director at E&P Department)
Title: Geological correlation well block A &B


Company visit at Chip Mong Insee Cement, April 8, 2019
After taking course "Cement Production", 4th-year students have to visit company, Chip Mong Insee Cement, in order to learn about mining of limestone for cement production and supplying chain management and cement production.
Course Instructor: Dr. KRY Nallis

Visiting Professors from Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan 18 March 2019
Short-course training on "Fundamental Oil and Gas Exploration", 04 -07 March 2019

The training on " Fundamental of Oil and Gas Exploration was provided by Total Professor Associate (TPA) to 4th-year students of Faculty Geo-resources and Geotechnical Engineering.
Course Instructor: Prof. Etienne MOREAU (TPA)

Seismic Interpretation using DUG Insight (Geophysics Course)
We are so grateful that DownUnder GeoSolution provided us the license of DUG Insight, and It is a great experience for students and lecturers at ITC.
# 4th-year students# Visualization and Interpretation Seismic Data
Course Instructor: Dr. ENG Chandoeun

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